NHA History

NHA History | Images & Articles

40 Years of the North Houston Association

The North Houston Association (NHA) celebrated its 40th anniversary in 2022! Numerous accomplishments have emerged throughout its four decades of history within the region it represents - north Harris County and Montgomery County and here is the full story told by those who lived it.

NHA Timeline

The North Houston Association was founded
The North Houston Association was founded

The North Houston Association was founded in September, 1982, by twenty-six firms who became charter members and believed that collectively they could influence both the quantity and quality of the development in the North Harris and South Montgomery areas to benefit the entire community. The North Houston Association was patterned…
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Houston-based firm believes region has ‘tremendous future’
Houston-based firm believes region has ‘tremendous future’

Weingarten Realty Investors (WRI), a Houston-based real estate Investment trust. (REIT), has long been committed to Houston. Of 113 properties in six states, approximately 82 percent of the company’s portfolio is located here. WRJ has seven projects in north Houston. Attracted by the area’s quality of life, phenomenal growth and…
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NHA Chairman Tom Wussow at Hardy Toll Road Opening
NHA Chairman Tom Wussow at Hardy Toll Road Opening

The Hardy Toll Road, completed ahead of time and nearly $35 million under budget, opened to great fanfare June 28. County Judge Jon Lindsay was on hand for the ribbon-cutting, and the master of ceremonies was Tom Wussow, Chairman of the North Houston Association. The 21.7-mile arterial, one of NHA’s…
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Judge Lindsay Mini Car Race on Toll Road
Judge Lindsay Mini Car Race on Toll Road

Judge Jon Lindsay is no stranger to the fast lane. He was seen cruis­ing through the toll gate at the opening of the Hardy Toll Road in a black Lamborghini. This time he will not be going as fast, but it should be quite a sight. On July 21, four…
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NHA’s first-of-its-kind Economic Showcase attracts 500 people
NHA’s first-of-its-kind Economic Showcase attracts 500 people

North Houston is on its way back, and it was never more evident than at the Aug. 23 Economic Showcase, attended by more than 500 business people, clients and media. Fifty tables of stunning exhibits demon­strated the progress this area is making in everything from county parks and road construction…
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Planting seedlings for Arbor Day
Planting seedlings for Arbor Day

Arbor Day, January 21, 1989 proved to be the perfect day to plant trees on the barren tract of land behind Ronnie’s Truck Stop at 1-45 and Rayford/Sawdust. The event was co-sponsored by NHA and the South Montgomery County Woodlands Chamber of Commerce. Chairman or the Chamber Beautification Committee Erin…
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Sam Houston Parkway/I-45 Interchange to be Completed in July
Sam Houston Parkway/I-45 Interchange to be Completed in July

A letter from NHA Chairman, Michael H. Richmond:  As Chairman of the North Houston Association, I am privileged to have the responsibility of setting the tone for the organization. During my two years as chairman, you can be sure that the major issues important to the members are discussed and…
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Eleanor Tinsley seeks support in beautifying Houston Area
Eleanor Tinsley seeks support in beautifying Houston Area

Perhaps no one has done more to beautify Houston than Eleanor Tinsley. The Houston City Council Member, now in her fifth term, takes a strong stand against billboards, she advocates demolition of dilapidated buildings, and she drums up support for more trees and parkland. Tinsley was a featured speaker at…
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Lake Houston State Park in “limbo”
Lake Houston State Park in “limbo”

The future of lake Houston State Park is “in limbo,” says Ron Smith, NHA Environment Committee Chairman. The state purchased the 4,712-acre parcel, situated on the northern tip of lake Houston, in 1981, according to Jim Bell, General Parks Superintendent for Harris County Precinct 4. If developed, the park would…
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$200,000 check presented from Urban Mass Transportation Administration at Economic Development Showcase
$200,000 check presented from Urban Mass Transportation Administration at Economic Development Showcase

A grant of $200,000 has been received jointly by the North Houston Association and the West Houston Association from the Urban Mass Transportation Administration. The grant was awarded to enable both organizations to study the work destination routes of its residents. According to David Hightower of the Wolff Companies, chairman…
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