The North Houston Association hosted a meeting in August to educate its members on the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission’s (TNRCC) recently released draft Regulatory Guidance Document for implementation of Texas Water Quality Certification Rules. “We asked TNRCC to brief our membership on the guidance document so that our committee as well as our individual members will be well informed on the draft’s contents. This will allow us to submit pertinent comments to the TNRCC during the public comment period,” said HNTB Corporation’s David Millikan, chairman, NHA Environment Committee. “Many NHA members face wetland permitting issues on a regular basis and benefit from learning about the latest TNRCC staff member Carol Kim pointed out that, “No new policies are being created. The purpose of the document is to provide guidance on current policies. We are trying to improve coordination with the Army Corps of Engineers.”

TN RCC is responsible for conducting 401 certification reviews of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit applications for the discharge of dredge or fill material into waters of the U.S., including wetlands. This regulatory document, Implementation of Texas Water Quality Certification Rules, is
designed to provide assistance, information, and clarity to applicants seeking certification of such permits. Draft copies of the guidance document are available at the NHA office. Deadline for comment to TNRCC is September 3. NHA will meet jointly with the West Houston Association and the Greater Houston Partnership on August 12 to compile a joint set of comments which will be forwarded to TNRCC.